Since 2005, Ilimitrof Cie has created 10 Franco-Chinese actions and performances in various cities of China and Europe. We have worked with a dozen of transdisciplinary artists with the same creating process over the years. We develop our creation around a global theme generating impulsion, translation, in a constant back and forth movement of the individual to the collective, omitting cultural, social or gender distinction. Each country has a particular and personal view of street art and we wish anyone to express it without borders nor limits. Ilimitrof Cie aims at stimulating and accompanying cultural meetings in which diverse disciplines mix up (circus, music, theatre, video clip, plastic art…).
Being part of Ilimitrof Cie means being part of a whole where people share different skills, experiences and origins. Whatever engineers, labourers, philosophers, artists, they all share the will to meet as singular beings to create an artistic language between the West and the East. We have had more than twenty years of collaboration with China. Today we want to develop another branch of our actions in Europe. We aim at creating an English version of our show The Celestial Eye to perform it outside of France.
Ilimitrof Cpg
16 rue du Dauphiné
69003 Lyon, France
Telephone: +33 (0)4 78 39 69 01